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Repairing Whitegoods in Red Hill
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Albion Appliances - Repairing Whitegoods in RED HILL

The number one trusted whitegoods repairer in Brisbane, if you are looking for Appliance Repairs in Red Hill, talk to us. We have technicians visiting Red Hill to inspect and repair most brands of whitegoods daily.

Our technicians have a massive knowledge base between them, spanning the last forty years. So while they have up to the minute training in the new machines they are also able to service the older machines.

From our central location we have been out on the road servicing appliances in Brisbane's north for nearly 50 years.

We have the parts and the smarts to get your dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, oven, cooktop, fridge, or stove back to full working order. If it can be done, it can be done by us. Our technicians carry parts for most of the regular brands so we can get your appliance running smoothly again asap.

As a family owned business, we value our reputation for honest advice and great customer service. Our customers keep coming back to us over many years and we value your business. If you have any questions about how we work please ask.

Call us to arrange a visit on 07 3630 1611. Our friendly staff will book you in or help you decide on the best course of action for your appliance.

But don't forget we can service your appliance in our workshop, saving you the cost of a service call. Ask us about our in house quote service.

So what are you waiting for!? Give our friendly staff a call if you would like an on site repair.

  • Tips & Advice

    • Read the reviews. If you cannot get any joy from the brand, contact your retailer. If, for example, you have a 2-year warranty on a product, but cannot find anyone to service the warranty, the onus falls back on the retailer. Those reviews will tell you if the brand looks at warranty requests in an expedited manner, or whether you will wait weeks to have a technician visit.

      Read More Posted: February, 2025
    • Spilt milk and a cracked glass cooktop are the same

      There’s no crying over them, sorry. You just have to replace the glass. And its expensive!!

      They are in a stupid place – a kitchen, where people are everyday using pots, pans, ceramic cups, all things that will smash/crack/ break your cooktop glass if they land with force. And you have to use saucepans and frying pans on them (thats the idea of a cooktop). And…and kitchen cupboards have plates and cups and glasses above or near the cooktop in places where they will land on your cooktop glass with force too if you fumble them just slightly. Unbeleivable!

      No, you would be much better off keeping your cooktop in a safe place, wrapped up under the bed or something, somewhere safe. Once, cooktops were sensibly made with enamel or stainless surrounds and solid or ring elements. They didn’t look as nice so manufacturers and consumers embraced the new glass ceramic technology. An element beneath the glass heats up and the heat transfers in a fairly even way, onto the cookware. If you have an induction cooktop it transfers immediately, which is fantastic for cooks who appreciate instant on/off heat. Induction cooktop glass also breaks, and it is also expensive.

      We get quite a few enquiries about cooktop glass replacement. If you can give us the model details of the cooktop we may be able to assist or point the way forward for you. Sometimes it is not worth doing, and people just replace the cooktop. But if its an induction cooktop, the expense is high to replace and so you just have to wear the cost of glass replacement.

      Are you a tenant? You will have to wear this cost. So when you realise you have a high end or marque brand cooktop, treat it with utmost care as there is a good chance it will cost upwards of $500 for a glass top, you don’t want to spend.

      How to find out model details

      Looking at the cooktop from the front, slide a strong knife under the cooktop glass, and lift about 8 cms. You should see a sticker straight ahead. Get a pic and let it down gently.

      Sometimes someone has glued the cooktop to the bench top. I’ve got no help for that one. Don’t silicone cooktops in.

      Read More Posted: February, 2025
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