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Albion Appliance Service
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It’s getting warmer… Getting the optimum performance from your fridge.

Its time to consider how you are treating your refrigerator now the summer is approaching. Your fridge works by cooling the air inside the fridge using (usually) the cold air from your freezer. That in turn cools each of the items inside the fridge. Over working your fridge in the summer will put extra pressure on the compressor (your main motor in the fridge) and overworking the compressor can be caused by a number of factors. In most fridges, replacing the compressor will be too expensive, so its best if you can care for it well.

Firstly, the seals of your fridge and freezer need to be performing to their optimum capacity. Keeping them clean by wiping them down with warm soapy water occasionally, or when you notice them getting a little sticky, will extend their lives.

Make sure there are no obstructions to the door closing firmly. Its not worth the damage to your fridge to wedge just one more bottle of drink in at party time.

Lastly, be careful of how much is sitting in the door of the fridge. The hinges of your fridge are susceptible to damage if there is too much weight in the door, and if damaged, the seals will not work to capacity.

Once you have a problem, particularly if the fridge itself is not cooling, give us a call. Our experienced, and prompt technicians can help you out.

Save on the service call – Dryers and Washers


Looking at repairing an appliance? But what about the cost of a home visit?

Sometimes for smaller machines, such as dryers and some washing machines, the cost of having a repair man come out to visit your home can be uneconomic when the appliance is not expensive to replace.

However we have a workshop here at our Hamilton base, open 7.30am – 4.30 pm weekdays, where you can drop off your dryer or washer, (or even your dishwasher if you have the transport capability) where our technicians will inspect your appliance and report back to you on repair options. Although we will charge a fee to quote it is often a better option when you have a smaller sized appliance.

Call us to find out more on 07 36301611.

Easy to do, but easy to overlook

It is easy to overlook one of the major components of your appliances; one which affects the efficient running of your washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator, dryer or any appliance you plug into a wall socket.

Is the plug securely fastened into the wall socket? Do you switch off your wall socket before inserting the plug, then switch back on? Take the time, every time, to make sure the plug of your fridge, dishwasher, washer, dryer or freezer is inserted correctly while the wall socket is switched off. Once the plug is inserted fully, then switch your appliance back on.

If the plug is not securely inserted, your appliance may be working overtime, putting the motor or compressor at risk, as a bad connection will cause arcing which leads to inefficient running of the appliance as the motor or compressor will be working extra hard.  This will particularly affect a fridge. Be careful of wedging a washer or fridge too tightly against the wall as this may affect the plug too. And be sure to check that the plugs and cords of your dishwasher, fridge, dryer or washer have no damage. Look after this important but often overlooked aspect of your appliances and give us a call at Albion Appliance Service if you need help with any issues you have with your whitegoods.

Common Refrigerator Repairs

As with all appliances, refrigerators – or at least the components therein – have a relatively finite lifespan. This can be enhanced by taking suitable steps to lengthen the longevity of your fridge and, in some instances, enlisting a qualified appliance specialist to make necessary repairs to your refrigerator. Unlike many other appliances, fridges are running constantly to preserve food and this means that any mechanical or electrical issue – however minor – will be compounded the longer it is left unmitigated. This guide seeks to outline some of the more common issues that are encountered with refrigerators and provide a number of ways in which to address such issues and ultimately get the most out of your fridge.

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Oven Troubleshooting – Check these common problems with ovens and cooktops before you call the repairman

Tackling the troubleshooting or repair of large household appliances like your oven can be intimidating at first, but having a little basic knowledge about what common problems exist can help to avoid paying for repairs. Oven troubleshooting is often not as difficult as you may think. With a little investigation, you can make informed decisions about the best way to go about repairing your oven, sometimes for very little cost – and even though we offer reliable, affordable appliance repairs, saving money is never a bad thing. Troubleshooting problems with ovens and cooktops can help speed the repair process along too. Your mobile repairman can be sure he’s got the right parts on board when he comes to your home.

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Check Your Dishwasher and Fridge this New Year

The New Year is a time of resolution, new beginnings and handy-work! Since you’ve got a few spare minutes up your sleeve, it’s time to knuckle down and get things done around the house, starting with your annual appliance check. If they turn off and on, that’s a great start, but not at all what we mean. Your fridge, dishwasher, washing machine and even microwave require a check or two throughout the year to ensure you’re getting the best performance possible out of your white goods.  Continue reading

3 Signs Your Washing Machine Needs a Tune Up


We all rely on our washing machines. Be it a top loader or a front loading washer, whether we realise it or not, the white good residing in our laundries or back sheds saves the majority of households hundreds of hours in physical labour, giving  our arm muscles a break from pokey old scrubbing boards. It’s bad enough you have to hand wash delicate fabrics, right?

When time is tight, you want to minimise hassle and housework, so the  suffering of a washing machine should be nipped in the bud as soon as it starts struggling – but how can you tell it’s feeling under the weather? While it can’t talk to you (and if it could, you’d probably feel judged for you choice of washing powder), here are 3 signs washing machine repairs are needed – and fast! Continue reading

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